AccountNo description
FieldsName | Description |
activatedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time when the account was activated. |
expiresAt (DateTime ) | The date and time when the account expires. |
id (ID! ) | The current account state. |
subdomain (String! ) | The account subdomain. |
AccountIntegrationNo description
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The Groove legacy API ID. |
provider (IntegrationProvider! ) | The integration provider. |
settings (IntegrationSettings! ) | The global settings for all integrations of this provider type. |
uid (String ) | The integration UID. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Integration | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
AccountPreferencesNo description
FieldsName | Description |
twoFactorAuthenticationGloballyEnforced (Boolean! ) | True if two-factor authentication is globally enforced; false otherwise. |
AddressA full address.
FieldsName | Description |
city (String ) | The name of the city, district, village, or town. |
country (String ) | The name of the country. |
postalCode (String ) | The ZIP Code or postal code. |
state (String ) | The region of the address. |
street (String ) | The first line of the address. |
street2 (String ) | The second line of the address. |
AgentAn agent is a user on Groove that is part of an organization.
To find all active agents, along with the teams they belong to, ordered by name:
To query for invited agents:
To reverse order the search:
To fetch agents ordered by the most times you assigned them to a conversation:
To fetch a single agent:
FieldsName | Description | |||||||
account (Account! ) | The account the agent belongs to. | |||||||
assignmentCount (Int! ) | The total number of conversations that the agent is assigned to. | |||||||
avatarUrl (Url! ) | A URL pointing to the agent's avatar. | |||||||
conversationCount (Int! ) | The number of conversations that the agent is assigned. | |||||||
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. | |||||||
defaultNotificationPreferences ([AgentNotificationPreference!]! ) | Default agent notification preferences. | |||||||
email (String! ) | The agent's email address. | |||||||
firstName (String ) | The agent's first name. | |||||||
id (ID! ) | The agent's last name. | |||||||
name (String! ) | The agent's full name. | |||||||
notificationPreferences (AgentNotificationPreferenceConnection ) | List of agent notification preferences. | |||||||
oauthCredentials (OauthCredentialsConnection ) | Lists all oauth credentials linked to agent. | |||||||
preferences (AgentPreferenceConnection! ) | Lists all agent preferences. | |||||||
role (AgentRole! ) | The role of the agent. | |||||||
state (AgentState! ) | The state of the agent. | |||||||
status2fa (AgentTwoFactorAuthStatus! ) | The agent's 2FA status. | |||||||
subdomain (String! ) | Lists all teams in the organization. | |||||||
| ||||||||
twoFactorAuthCode (TwoFactorAuthCode ) | Two factor auth code data. | |||||||
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. | |||||||
username (String ) | The agent's username. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
AgentChangedA conversation was reassigned to another agent.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
from (Agent ) | The agent that the conversation was previously assigned to. |
id (ID! ) | The agent that the conversation is newly assigned to. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
AgentConnectionThe connection type for Agent.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([AgentEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Agent] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
totalCount (Int! ) | The total number of objects returned from the query. |
totalPageCount (Int! ) | The total number of pages based on total page count and page size. |
AgentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Agent ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceNo description
FieldsName | Description |
agent (Agent! ) | The agent associated with the preference value. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
event (String ) | The event type, same as key if preference is not scoped. |
id (ID! ) | The preference key. |
namespace (AgentNotificationPreferenceNotificationNamespaceType! ) | The preference namespace. |
scopeId (ID ) | ID of the relation to which preference pertains to. |
scopeType (String ) | Type of the relation to which preference pertains to. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
value ([AgentNotificationPreferenceNotificationType!]! ) | The value associated with the preference. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ids ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the notification preferences that were deleted. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkUpsertPayloadAutogenerated return type of AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
notificationPreferences ([AgentNotificationPreference!] ) | Upserted preferences. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceConnectionThe connection type for AgentNotificationPreference.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([AgentNotificationPreferenceEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([AgentNotificationPreference] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (AgentNotificationPreference ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
AgentPreferenceNo description
FieldsName | Description |
agent (Agent! ) | The agent associated with the preference value. |
key (String! ) | The preference key. |
namespace (String ) | The preference namespace. |
value (Untyped! ) | The value associated with the preference. |
AgentPreferenceConnectionThe connection type for AgentPreference.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([AgentPreferenceEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([AgentPreference] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
AgentPreferenceDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of AgentPreferenceDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
AgentPreferenceEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (AgentPreference ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
AgentPreferenceUpsertPayloadAutogenerated return type of AgentPreferenceUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
agentPreference (AgentPreference ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
AgentResetLoginAttemptsPayloadAutogenerated return type of AgentResetLoginAttempts
FieldsName | Description |
agent (Agent ) | The agent that has just reset login attempts for. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
AgentResetPasswordPayloadAutogenerated return type of AgentResetPassword
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
AgentSendAdminEmailNotificationPayloadAutogenerated return type of AgentSendAdminEmailNotification
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
AiSuggestionNo description
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (String! ) | The id of a ticket that suggestion belongs to. |
id (ID! ) | The type of the suggestion. |
value (JSON ) | The value of suggestion. |
AiSuggestionConnectionThe connection type for AiSuggestion.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([AiSuggestionEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([AiSuggestion] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
AiSuggestionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (AiSuggestion ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
ArticleAn article from a Knowledge Base. Each article can be assigned to one category.
To fetch multiple Knowledge Bases with related articles:
To fetch only the latest 5 articles:
To search for articles:
An object that can be published, for example Knowledge Base categories or articles.
For example:
FieldsName | Description |
attachments (ArticleAttachmentConnection ) | The list of attachments on the article. |
author (Agent ) | The author of the object. |
body (String ) | The body of the article. |
category (KbCategory ) | The category that the article is assigned to. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
deletedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the article was deleted. |
description (String ) | The article description. |
featured (Boolean! ) | True if the object is set to be featured; false otherwise. |
id (ID! ) | The Knowledge Base that the article belongs to to. |
meta (Meta ) | The meta data of the object. |
openGraph (OpenGraph ) | The Open Graph information of the object. |
pageTitle (String ) | The HTML page title of the object. |
position (Int! ) | The position that the article should appear in when listed. |
publishedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the object was last published. |
ratings (ArticleRatingConnection ) | The article ratings. |
ratingsType (ArticleRatingTypes ) | The type of the article ratings. |
relatedArticles (ArticleConnection ) | The list of articles linked to this one. |
slug (String ) | The URL slug of the object. |
state (PublishState! ) | The state of the object. |
tags ([String!] ) | The list of tags on associated with the article. |
title (String ) | The title of the object. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
updater (Agent ) | The agent that last updated the object. |
url (String ) | The URL of the article. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
Publishable | An object that can be published, for example Knowledge Base categories or articles. For example. |
ArticleAttachmentA file attached to a Knowledge Base article.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
fileName (String! ) | The name of the attachment. |
id (ID! ) | The attachment MIME type. |
name (String ) | The visible name of the attachment. |
size (Int! ) | The attachment size in bytes. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
url (Url ) | The location of the attachment. |
uuid (String ) | The universally unique ID. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ArticleAttachmentConnectionThe connection type for ArticleAttachment.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ArticleAttachmentEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([ArticleAttachment] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
ArticleAttachmentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (ArticleAttachment ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
ArticleConnectionThe connection type for Article.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ArticleEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Article] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
totalCount (Int! ) | The total number of objects returned from the query. |
totalPageCount (Int! ) | The total number of pages based on total page count and page size. |
ArticleEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Article ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
ArticleRatingA rating given to an article by a visitor of the Knowledge Base.
FieldsName | Description |
count (Int! ) | The total number of ratings for the article. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
value (Int! ) | The overall rating of the article. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ArticleRatingConnectionThe connection type for ArticleRating.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ArticleRatingEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([ArticleRating] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
ArticleRatingEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (ArticleRating ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
AssignmentThe agents and/or teams that are assigned to the conversation.
FieldsName | Description |
agent (Agent ) | The agent that the conversation is assigned to. |
at (DateTime ) | The date and time that the conversation was last assigned. |
team (Team ) | The team that the conversation is assigned to. |
AsyncRpcPayloadAutogenerated return type of AsyncRpc
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
jobId (ID ) | The ID of the enqueued job. Use this to poll for results. |
AttachmentA file attached to a message.
FieldsName | Description |
contentId (String ) | The RFC2387 identifier of the attachment, if from an email. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
creator (Agent ) | The user that created the attachment. |
deliverBy (DateTime ) | The date and time that the message was sent. Used to allow for undoing send. |
downloadUrl (String ) | The public direct download URL of the attachment. |
fileName (String ) | The name of the attachment. |
fileSize (String ) | The attachment size in bytes. |
fileType (String ) | The attachment MIME type. |
id (ID! ) | The attachment s3 key. |
scanReport (AttachmentScanReport ) | The attachment type. |
type (AttachmentType ) | The attachment type. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
url (String ) | The public URL of the attachment. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
AttachmentConnectionThe connection type for Attachment.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([AttachmentEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Attachment] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
AttachmentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Attachment ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
AttachmentScanReportThe attachment scan report
BillingFeatureTypeThe billing feature name value pair
FieldsName | Description |
key (String! ) | The feature key. |
name (String! ) | The feature name. |
value (BillingFeatureValueType! ) | The feature value. |
BillingTypeNo description
Fetch all available features of the current plan of current account:
Fetch all usage for the current account:
FieldsName | Description | ||
availableFeatures ([BillingFeatureType!]! ) | Fetch all available features of the current plan of current account. | ||
cardSetupIntents ([CardSetupIntent!]! ) | Fetch all pending setup intents for the current account. | ||
creditCards ([CreditCard!]! ) | Fetch all credit cards for the current account. | ||
discount (Discount ) | Fetch current active discount for this account. | ||
plans ([Plan!]! ) | Fetch all plans for the current account. | ||
| |||
pricings ([Pricing!]! ) | Lists available pricing. | ||
| |||
usages ([BillingUsageType!]! ) | Fetch all usage for the current account. |
BillingUsageTypeThe billing usage name value pair
FieldsName | Description |
key (String! ) | The usage name. |
value (BillingFeatureValueType! ) | The usage value. |
BrowserThe web browser used by the contact.
CancelDowngradePayloadAutogenerated return type of CancelDowngrade
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CannedReplyA canned reply is a prewritten answer to commonly asked customer questions.
To fetch all canned replies:
To fetch all canned replies with a given search string:
To fetch all canned replies with a given search string in a particular category:
FieldsName | Description |
attachments (AttachmentConnection! ) | All attachments on this canned reply. |
automaticActions ([CannedReplyAutomaticAction!]! ) | All automatic actions set on this canned reply. |
body (String ) | The content of the canned reply template. |
category (CannedReplyCategory ) | The category of the canned reply. |
countUsed (Int! ) | The number of times the object has been utilized. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
creator (Agent ) | The agent that created the canned reply. |
id (ID! ) | The content of the canned reply template with all variables interpolated. |
lastUsedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the object was last used. |
mailboxIds ([String!] ) | Searches for a mailbox that match the id. |
name (String ) | The name of the canned reply. |
snippet (String ) | A short snippet from the canned reply body. |
subject (String ) | The subject line of the canned reply. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
Utilizationabled | An object with utilization fields for when it was last used and how many times it has been used. |
CannedReplyAutomaticActionNo description
FieldsName | Description |
type (String ) | The type of the canned reply automatic action. |
value (String ) | The value of the canned reply automatic action. |
CannedReplyCategoryA canned reply category is a grouping for canned replies.
To fetch all canned reply categories in the account:
To fetch all canned reply categories with a given search string:
FieldsName | Description | |||||||
cannedReplies (CannedReplyConnection ) | Lists all canned replies. | |||||||
| ||||||||
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. | |||||||
id (ID! ) | True if the category is protected; false otherwise. | |||||||
name (String! ) | The name of the canned reply category. | |||||||
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
CannedReplyCategoryConnectionThe connection type for CannedReplyCategory.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CannedReplyCategoryEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([CannedReplyCategory] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
CannedReplyCategoryEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (CannedReplyCategory ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CannedReplyConnectionThe connection type for CannedReply.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CannedReplyEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([CannedReply] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
totalCount (Int! ) | The total number of objects returned from the query. |
totalPageCount (Int! ) | The total number of pages based on total page count and page size. |
CannedReplyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (CannedReply ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CardSetupIntentRepresents the intent of a customer to create/replace a payment method on there account
Fetch all setup intents for the current account:
FieldsName | Description |
clientSecret (String! ) | The client secret of this SetupIntent. Used for client-side retrieval using a publishable key. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
id (ID! ) | The external id for this setup intent. |
status (SetupIntentStatus! ) | The duration applied for this coupon. |
usage (SetupIntentUsage! ) | The duration applied for this coupon. |
CardSetupIntentCreatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CardSetupIntentCreate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
setupIntent (CardSetupIntent ) | The created card setup intent. |
CardSetupIntentSucceedPayloadAutogenerated return type of CardSetupIntentSucceed
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
setupIntent (CardSetupIntent ) | The created card setup intent. |
ChannelChangedA conversation was moved to another channel.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
from (Channel ) | The channel that the conversation was moved from. |
id (ID! ) | The channel that the conversation was moved to. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ChannelConnectionThe connection type for Channel.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ChannelEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Channel] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
totalCount (Int! ) | The total number of objects returned from the query. |
totalPageCount (Int! ) | The total number of pages based on total page count and page size. |
ChannelDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of ChannelDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedChannelId (ID! ) | ID of the deleted channel. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | List of errors that occurred during the deletion. |
ChannelEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Channel ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
ChannelIntegrationNo description
FieldsName | Description |
channel (Channel! ) | The channel the integration is connected to. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The Groove legacy API ID. |
provider (IntegrationProvider! ) | The integration provider. |
settings (IntegrationSettings! ) | The global settings for all integrations of this provider type. |
uid (String ) | The integration UID. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Integration | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
CheckAccessByMatrixIdsPayloadAutogenerated return type of CheckAccessByMatrixIds
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
rooms ([RoomAccess!] ) | A list of chat rooms with a flag indicating the ability of the current user to access each of them. |
ClickCreatePayloadAutogenerated return type of ClickCreate
FieldsName | Description |
clickId (String ) | The ID of the created click. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CommentDeletedA comment was deleted.
CommentEditedA comment was edited.
CommentReactedA reaction was left on a comment.
CompanyA company represents an organization containing one or more contacts.
FieldsName | Description | ||||||
contacts (ContactConnection ) | The contacts in the company. | ||||||
conversationCount (Int! ) | The total number of conversations that the company is involved in. | ||||||
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. | ||||||
createdBy (Agent! ) | The agent that created the company. | ||||||
customFieldValues (CustomFieldValueConnection ) | Lists all custom fields. | ||||||
| |||||||
domain (String ) | The company's primary domain. | ||||||
id (ID! ) | The URL of the company's logo. | ||||||
name (String ) | The company name. | ||||||
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. | ||||||
updatedBy (Agent! ) | The agent that last updated the company. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
CustomFieldValuesField | A list of custom fields filtered by input. |
CompanyAddContactsPayloadAutogenerated return type of CompanyAddContacts
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
company (Company! ) | The updated company. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CompanyConnectionThe connection type for Company.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CompanyEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Company] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
totalCount (Int! ) | The total number of objects returned from the query. |
totalPageCount (Int! ) | The total number of pages based on total page count and page size. |
CompanyCreatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CompanyCreate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
company (Company ) | The company that was created. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CompanyDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of CompanyDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedCompanyId (ID ) | The ID of the deleted company. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CompanyEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Company ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CompanyMergePayloadAutogenerated return type of CompanyMerge
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
target (Company! ) | The merged company. |
CompanyRemoveContactsPayloadAutogenerated return type of CompanyRemoveContacts
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
company (Company! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ConditionA folder condition provides the logic for matching relevant conversations.
For example, to match conversations with the "suggestion" tag:
To fetch all folders and their conditions:
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The logic operator to use, for example. |
param (ConditionParam! ) | The conversation field to use, for example. |
source (ConditionSourceUnion ) | The source for the condition. No value indicates the conversation as the source. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
value (String ) | The value to match against, for example. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ConditionConnectionThe connection type for Condition.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ConditionEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Condition] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
ConditionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Condition ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
Contactthat role is defined by their participation with a particular conversation. This means the same contact could be the customer on one conversation, and a collaborator on another.
FieldsName | Description | ||||||
avatarUrl (String ) | The URL of the contact's avatar. | ||||||
companies (CompanyConnection ) | The companies that the contact belongs to. | ||||||
contactType (ContactType! ) | The type of the contact. | ||||||
conversationCount (Int! ) | The total number of conversations that the contact is involved in. | ||||||
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. | ||||||
createdBy (Agent ) | The agent that created the contact. | ||||||
customFieldValues (CustomFieldValueConnection ) | Lists all custom fields. | ||||||
| |||||||
email (EmailAddress ) | The contact's primary email address. | ||||||
firstName (String ) | The contact's first name. | ||||||
id (ID! ) | The contact's last name. | ||||||
lastSeenAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the contact was last seen. | ||||||
name (String ) | The contact's full name. | ||||||
role (ContactRole ) | The contact's secondary email addresses. | ||||||
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. | ||||||
updatedBy (Agent! ) | The agent that last updated the contact. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
CustomFieldValuesField | A list of custom fields filtered by input. |
ContactChangeA conversation was reassigned to another contact.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
from (Contact ) | The contact that the conversation was previously assigned to. |
id (ID! ) | The contact that the conversation is currently assigned to. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ContactConnectionThe connection type for Contact.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ContactEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Contact] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
totalCount (Int! ) | The total number of objects returned from the query. |
totalPageCount (Int! ) | The total number of pages based on total page count and page size. |
ContactCreatePayloadAutogenerated return type of ContactCreate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
contact (Contact ) | The contact that was created. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ContactDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of ContactDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedContactId (ID ) | The ID of the deleted contact. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ContactEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Contact ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
ContactMergePayloadAutogenerated return type of ContactMerge
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
target (Contact! ) | The merged contact. |
ContactOpenedMessageA contact opened a message.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The message that the contact opened. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ContactResyncPayloadAutogenerated return type of ContactResync
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
contact (Contact! ) | The updated contact. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ContactUpdatePayloadAutogenerated return type of ContactUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
contact (Contact! ) | The updated contact. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
conversationAddNotePayloadAutogenerated return type of conversationAddNote
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
deletedDraftId (String ) | The UUID of the deleted draft. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
message (Note ) | The created note. |
ConversationAssignPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationAssign
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationAttachmentA file attached to a message.
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String! ) | The id of a comment's changeset that attachment belongs to. |
commentId (String! ) | The id of a comment that attachment belongs to. |
contentId (String ) | The RFC2387 identifier of the attachment, if from an email. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
creator (Agent ) | The user that created the attachment. |
deliverBy (DateTime ) | The date and time that the message was sent. Used to allow for undoing send. |
downloadUrl (String ) | The public direct download URL of the attachment. |
fileName (String ) | The name of the attachment. |
fileSize (String ) | The attachment size in bytes. |
fileType (String ) | The attachment MIME type. |
id (ID! ) | The attachment s3 key. |
scanReport (AttachmentScanReport ) | The attachment type. |
ticketId (String! ) | The id of a ticket that attachment belongs to. |
type (AttachmentType ) | The attachment type. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
url (String ) | The public URL of the attachment. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ConversationAttachmentConnectionThe connection type for ConversationAttachment.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ConversationAttachmentEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([ConversationAttachment] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
ConversationAttachmentEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (ConversationAttachment ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
ConversationBulkDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationBulkDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
jid (String! ) | The ID of the batch job that will delete the conversations. |
ConversationChangeChannelPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationChangeChannel
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationChangeContactPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationChangeContact
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The conversation that was updated. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationClosePayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationClose
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationConnectionThe connection type for Conversation.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([ConversationEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Conversation] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
totalCount (Int! ) | The total number of objects returned from the query. |
totalPageCount (Int! ) | The total number of pages based on total page count and page size. |
ConversationCountsThe statistics about the messages and interactions in the conversation.
FieldsName | Description |
attachments (Int! ) | The number of files attached to all messages in the conversation. |
interactions (Int! ) | The total number of messages, notes, and state changes in the conversation. |
messages (Int! ) | The total number of messages in the conversation. |
notes (Int! ) | The total number of notes in the conversation. |
stateChanges (Int! ) | The total number of state changes in the conversation. |
ConversationCreateEmailPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationCreateEmail
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (EmailConversation ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | The group of events for changes made. |
conversationDeleteNotePayloadAutogenerated return type of conversationDeleteNote
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
deletedMessageId (ID! ) | The IDs of the deleted message. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedConversationIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the deleted conversations. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ConversationDeletedA conversation was moved to trash.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ConversationEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Conversation ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
conversationEditNotePayloadAutogenerated return type of conversationEditNote
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
message (Note ) | The created note. |
ConversationFollowPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationFollow
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationForwardPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationForward
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The forwarded conversation. |
deletedDraftId (String ) | The UUID of the deleted draft. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
message (Message ) | The created message. |
ConversationForwardV2PayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationForwardV2
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The forwarded conversation. |
deletedDraftId (String ) | The UUID of the deleted draft. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
message (Message ) | The created message. |
conversationLinkResourcePayloadAutogenerated return type of conversationLinkResource
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The conversation the resource is linked to. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationLogPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationLog
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (EmailConversation ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationMergePayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationMerge
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
source (Conversation! ) | The deleted source conversation. |
sourceDiffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search and folder counts from the source conversation change. |
target (Conversation! ) | The updated target conversation. |
targetDiffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search and folder counts from the target conversation change. |
ConversationMergedA conversation was merged into another conversation.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The ID of the channel that the source conversation was in. |
sourceContactId (ID ) | The ID of the contact of the source conversation. |
sourceCreatedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the source conversation was created. |
sourceNumber (Int! ) | The number of the source conversation. |
target (Conversation! ) | The conversation that the source conversation was merged into. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ConversationMoveMessagePayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationMoveMessage
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation! ) | The new conversation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ConversationOpenPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationOpen
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationPreferencesNo description
FieldsName | Description |
defaultReplyState (ConversationReplyState! ) | The default state to set conversations to after replying. |
groupFolders (Boolean! ) | Whether or not to group folders by mailbox. |
scopedContactsSearch (Boolean! ) | Whether or not to scope contact search to the current mailbox. |
showAllInboxes (Boolean! ) | True if the combined inbox for all mailboxes should show in the UI; false otherwise. |
ConversationReplyPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationReply
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The replied to conversation. |
deletedDraftId (String ) | The UUID of the deleted draft. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
message (Message ) | The created message. |
conversationRestorePayloadAutogenerated return type of conversationRestore
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversations (ConversationConnection ) | The restored conversations. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ConversationRestoredA conversation was restored from trash.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ConversationSnoozePayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationSnooze
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationSpamPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationSpam
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationStarPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationStar
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationStarredThe conversation was starred.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ConversationSubjectPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationSubject
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationTagPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationTag
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
conversationToggleNoteReactionPayloadAutogenerated return type of conversationToggleNoteReaction
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
message (Note ) | The created note. |
ConversationTrashPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationTrash
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The trashed conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationUnassignPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationUnassign
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
conversationUndoSendPayloadAutogenerated return type of conversationUndoSend
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
ConversationUnfollowPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationUnfollow
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationUnreadPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationUnread
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationUnstarPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationUnstar
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
ConversationUnstarredThe conversation was unstarred.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
id (ID! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
ConversationUntagPayloadAutogenerated return type of ConversationUntag
FieldsName | Description |
changesetId (String ) | The changeset ID for the update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversation (Conversation ) | The updated conversation. |
diffs ([Diff!]! ) | The movement in search/folder counts due to this mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
eventGroup (EventGroupType ) | The group of events for changes made. |
CouponRepresents a coupon that can be accociated with a discount
FieldsName | Description |
amountOff (Int ) | A positive integer representing the amount to subtract from an invoice total (required if percent_off is not passed. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. |
duration (CouponDuration! ) | The duration applied for this coupon. |
durationInMonths (Int ) | If duration is repeating, the number of months the coupon applies. Null if coupon duration is forever or once. |
id (ID! ) | The external id for this coupon. |
maxRedemptions (Int ) | Maximum number of times this coupon can be redeemed, in total, across all customers, before it is no longer valid. |
name (String ) | Name of the coupon displayed to customers on for instance invoices or receipts. |
percentOff (Int ) | A positive float larger than 0, and smaller or equal to 100, that represents the discount the coupon will apply (required if amount_off is not passed. |
timesRedeemed (Int! ) | Number of times this coupon has been applied to a customer. |
valid (Boolean! ) | Taking account of the above properties, whether this coupon can still be applied to a customer. |
CredentialsNo description
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time when the access token was created. |
expiresAt (DateTime ) | The date and time when the access token expires. |
expiresIn (Int ) | The number of seconds until the access token expires. |
token (String! ) | The access token. |
CreditCardRepresents all the credit cards currently added to the groove account
Fetch all credit cards for the current account:
FieldsName | Description |
brand (String! ) | Card brand. Can be American Express, Diners Club, Discover, Eftpos Australia, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay, Visa, or Unknown. |
country (String ) | Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the card. |
cvcCheck (String ) | if a CVC was provided, results of the check: pass, fail, unavailable, or unchecked. A result of unchecked indicates that CVC was provided but hasn. |
expiryMonth (Int! ) | Two-digit number representing the card. |
expiryYear (Int! ) | Four-digit number representing the card. |
funding (CreditCardFunding! ) | The state of this plan in the 3rd party system. |
id (ID! ) | The last four digits of the card. |
name (String ) | Card brand. Can be American Express, Diners Club, Discover, Eftpos Australia, JCB, MasterCard, UnionPay, Visa, or Unknown. |
CustomDomainA custom domain lets you customize the URL of your Knowledge Base.
It contains expiry and Let's Encrypt certificate details.
FieldsName | Description |
domain (String ) | The custom domain of the Knowledge Base. |
expiresAt (String ) | The expiration date of the Let's Encrypt certificate. |
letsencrypt (Boolean! ) | True if the custom domain uses a Let's Encrypt certificate; false otherwise. |
status (String ) | The status of the Let's Encrypt certificate. |
valid (Boolean ) | True if the custom domain of the Knowledge Base is valid; false otherwise. |
CustomFieldCustom fields provide agents with the ability to define extra data on a contact or company, along with the means of specifying how that information is entered and displayed.
FieldsName | Description |
allowedOperators ([SupportedOperatorType!] ) | The conditional operators that this custom field supports. |
category (CustomFieldCategory! ) | The category the custom field belongs to. |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
createdBy (Agent! ) | The agent that created the custom field. |
deletable (Boolean! ) | True if the custom field can be deleted; false otherwise. |
description (String ) | A description of the custom field. |
handleType (CustomFieldHandleType ) | The unique identifier type linked to this field. |
hidden (Boolean! ) | True if the custom field needs to be hidden in the UI; false otherwise. |
icon (CustomFieldIcon! ) | The icon for the custom field. |
id (ID! ) | True if the custom field allows arrays of values; false otherwise. |
key (String! ) | An immutable identifier for the custom field. |
name (String ) | The name of the custom field. |
options (CustomFieldOptionConnection ) | The available options for the custom field if the type is. |
placeholder (String ) | The text to show in the input field when it is empty. |
position (Int ) | The position of the custom field within the category. The first item starts at 1. Leave blank to append the custom field to the end of the list. |
required (Boolean! ) | True if the custom field needs to be filled in the UI; false otherwise. |
type (CustomFieldType! ) | The data type of the custom field. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
updatedBy (Agent! ) | The agent that last updated the custom field. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
CustomFieldCategoryA grouping of contact or company fields.
FieldsName | Description |
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. |
customFields (CustomFieldConnection! ) | The custom fields belonging to the custom field category. |
deletable (Boolean! ) | True if the custom field category can be deleted; false otherwise. |
id (ID! ) | An immutable identifier for the custom field category. |
name (String! ) | The name of the custom field category. |
type (CustomFieldCategoryType! ) | The type of the custom field category. |
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Timestamped | An object with timestamp fields for when it was created and last updated. |
CustomFieldCategoryConnectionThe connection type for CustomFieldCategory.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CustomFieldCategoryEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([CustomFieldCategory] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
CustomFieldCategoryCreatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldCategoryCreate
FieldsName | Description |
category (CustomFieldCategory ) | The created custom field category. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldCategoryDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldCategoryDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedCategoryId (ID ) | The ID of the deleted custom field category. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
newCategory (CustomFieldCategory ) | The category that the custom fields were moved to. |
CustomFieldCategoryEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (CustomFieldCategory ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CustomFieldCategoryUpdatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldCategoryUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
category (CustomFieldCategory ) | The updated custom field category. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldConnectionThe connection type for CustomField.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CustomFieldEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([CustomField] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
CustomFieldCreatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldCreate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
customField (CustomField ) | The created custom field. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedCustomFieldId (ID ) | The ID of the deleted custom field. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (CustomField ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CustomFieldOptionAn option for a custom field of type DROPDOWN
FieldsName | Description |
customField (CustomField! ) | The custom field associated with the list. |
label (String! ) | The label of the dropdown option. |
value (String! ) | The value of the dropdown option. |
CustomFieldOptionConnectionThe connection type for CustomFieldOption.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CustomFieldOptionEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([CustomFieldOption] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
CustomFieldOptionDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldOptionDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedCustomFieldOptionId (ID ) | The ID of the deleted custom field option. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldOptionEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (CustomFieldOption ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CustomFieldRemovePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldRemove
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
item (CustomFieldSubjectType! ) | The updated contact or company. |
removedItemId (ID! ) | The ID of the removed custom field. |
customFieldRestorePayloadAutogenerated return type of customFieldRestore
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
customField (CustomField! ) | The custom field that was restored. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldUpdatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
customField (CustomField! ) | The updated custom field. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldValueThe value of a contact or company custom field.
FieldsName | Description |
customField (CustomField! ) | The custom field. |
id (ID! ) | The value assigned to the custom field. |
CustomFieldValueConnectionThe connection type for CustomFieldValue.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CustomFieldValueEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([CustomFieldValue] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
CustomFieldValueEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (CustomFieldValue ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CustomFieldValuesBulkUpdatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldValuesBulkUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomFieldValuesUpdatePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomFieldValuesUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
subject (CustomFieldSubjectType! ) | The contact, company or conversation the custom field values where set on. |
CustomerRatingSettingNo description
FieldsName | Description |
account (Account! ) | The account the setting belongs to. |
id (ID! ) | The rating translations locale. |
mailboxIds ([String!] ) | Mailbox ids that the rating is scoped to. |
name (String! ) | The rating name. |
translations ([CustomerRatingSettingTranslation!] ) | The rating translations. |
CustomerRatingSettingConnectionThe connection type for CustomerRatingSetting.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([CustomerRatingSettingEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([CustomerRatingSetting] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
CustomerRatingSettingDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomerRatingSettingDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedCustomerRatingSettingId (ID ) | The ID of the customer rating setting that was deleted. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
CustomerRatingSettingEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (CustomerRatingSetting ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
CustomerRatingSettingTranslationNo description
CustomerRatingSettingUpsertPayloadAutogenerated return type of CustomerRatingSettingUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
customerRatingSetting (CustomerRatingSetting ) | The customer rating setting that was created or updated. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
DeleteRoomPayloadAutogenerated return type of DeleteRoom
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedConversationId (ID ) | The ID of the deleted conversation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
DemoEmailChannelA channel for email conversations.
To fetch your active mailboxes, you can issue this query:
To fetch inactive mailboxes:
To fetch accessible folders (paginated) for each of your mailboxes:
To fetch conversations in this mailbox, use the QueryRoot
field with a filter
argument e.g.:
A channel is a source of incoming conversations. It dictates how messages in those conversations are sent and received.
For example, an EmailChannel
is a channel where messages are sent as
email. To fetch all of them:
By default channels are sorted by their user-defined row-order, called their position. To sort by name instead:
To find which agents have permission to view this channel:
Only find channels where the user is granted access to view it:
Find all channels the user is allowed to view. Admin users can always view all channels:
FieldsName | Description | |||||||
aiDraftsChannels ([EmailChannel!] ) | List of mailbox IDs used for generating AI drafts. | |||||||
aiDraftsKnowledgeBases ([KnowledgeBase!] ) | List of knowledge base IDs used for generating AI drafts. | |||||||
aiQualityRating (String ) | AI quality rating for the mailbox. | |||||||
autoBccAddress (String ) | Auto BCC email address. | |||||||
color (String! ) | The color of the mailbox. | |||||||
conversationCount (Int! ) | The count of conversations in the channel. | |||||||
| ||||||||
createdAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was created. | |||||||
customFields (CustomFieldConnection! ) | The custom fields belonging to the custom field category. | |||||||
email (String ) | The email address associated with the mailbox. | |||||||
emailTemplates ([EmailTemplate!]! ) | Email template used for automated or manual email communication. | |||||||
errors ([ChannelErrorTypeUnion!]! ) | Represents errors that occurred during channel integration setup. | |||||||
folders (FolderConnection ) | Lists all folders that are accessible to the authenticated agent. Each folder can be associated with one or more mailboxes. | |||||||
| ||||||||
forwardEmailAddress (String! ) | The forwarding email address associated with the mailbox. | |||||||
fromName (String! ) | The name that replies should be sent from. | |||||||
id (ID! ) | The custom server used to send out emails. | |||||||
name (String! ) | The name of the channel. | |||||||
outgoingEmailServer (OutgoingServerTypeUnion ) | The custom server used to send out emails. | |||||||
permittedAgents (AgentConnection! ) | The agents permitted to access this channel. | |||||||
| ||||||||
pinnedSearches (PinnedSearchConnection ) | Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor. | |||||||
| ||||||||
position (Int! ) | The position that the mailbox should appear at when listed. | |||||||
provider (String! ) | The provider. | |||||||
restriction (Restriction! ) | The agents or teams that are allowed to access this channel. | |||||||
senderName (String ) | Customers see this name in the From field when they view conversations sent from this channel. | |||||||
signature (String ) | The default signature on outgoing messages from the mailbox. | |||||||
state (ChannelState! ) | The state of the channel. | |||||||
tags (TagConnection ) | Lists all tags. | |||||||
| ||||||||
threadingType (ThreadingType! ) | Whether to use the agent. | |||||||
type (ChannelType! ) | The communication type of the channel. | |||||||
updatedAt (DateTime! ) | The date and time that the object was last updated. | |||||||
useAgentName (Boolean ) | Whether to use the agent. |
InterfacesName | Description |
Node | An object with an ID. |
Channel | A channel is a source of incoming conversations. It dictates how messages in those conversations are sent and received. For example, an. |
DeviceThe device used by the contact.
FieldsName | Description |
family (String ) | The name of the device. |
DiffDiffs represent the changes to search or folder counts as a result of a mutation.
Clients can read the diff(s) from a mutation, and apply those deltas to their cached folder counts without having to re-query the API for the correct counts.
In some cases it's possible to guess how a particular mutation might affect folder counts. Indeed, the Groove apps generally try to make an optimistic guess while the mutation request is in-flight.
Often, however, it's non-trivial to do so, and in some cases not possible. It's more more correct to rely on the API to provide the correct numbers, and these are provided conveniently inside mutation diffs.
For example, say you have a "question" tag, and there are 20
conversations with that tag applied. Then, an agent triggers a
mutation for the "question" tag on one of those
conversations. That mutation will then return a diff field showing a -1 delta
for the general search query for that tag. For example:
The client could then cheaply recompute their cached counts for that tag, and update any previously cached search result counts.
Similarly, if you also had a folder whose rule matches all "question" tags as well, then that same mutation might result in a folder diff field like so:
The client could use this information to quickly update any visible folder counts without having to re-query the API.
Finally, diffs are also provided at the 'All Channels' level (like above) and for individual channels. If there was a channel where the above folder was visible, the diff results would look something like so:
FieldsName | Description |
delta (Int ) | The difference in the count of conversations that now match this query. |
query (String! ) | The query string representing a search or folder, for example. |
DisconnectMutationPayloadAutogenerated return type of DisconnectMutation
FieldsName | Description |
channel (Channel ) | The channel that was disconnected. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
DiscountRepresents a discount applied to the customer or subscription
Fetch all credit cards for the current account:
FieldsName | Description |
coupon (Coupon! ) | The coupon used to apply this discount. |
endAt (DateTime ) | If the coupon has a duration of repeating, the date that this discount will end. If the coupon has a duration of once or forever, this attribute will be null. |
id (ID! ) | The external id for this discount. |
startAt (DateTime! ) | The date when this discount was applied. |
type (DiscountType! ) | The type of discount being represented. |
DraftConnectionThe connection type for Draft.
FieldsName | Description |
edges ([DraftEdge] ) | A list of edges. |
nodes ([Draft] ) | A list of nodes. |
pageInfo (PageInfo! ) | Information to aid in pagination. |
DraftDeletePayloadAutogenerated return type of DraftDelete
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
deletedDraftId (String ) | The ID of the deleted draft. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
success (Boolean! ) | True if the draft was deleted; false otherwise. |
DraftEdgeAn edge in a connection.
FieldsName | Description |
cursor (String! ) | A cursor for use in pagination. |
node (Draft ) | The item at the end of the edge. |
DraftSavePayloadAutogenerated return type of DraftSave
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
contextId (ID ) | The ID of the context within the conversation. |
draftId (ID! ) | The ID of the draft. |
draftType (String! ) | The type of the draft. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
payload (String ) | The payload of the draft as a schemaless string. |
success (Boolean! ) | True if the draft was saved; false otherwise. |
version (Int! ) | The version of the draft. |
DraftUpsertPayloadAutogenerated return type of DraftUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
draft (DraftTypeUnion ) | The upserted draft. |
errors ([UserError!]! ) | Errors related to user input. |
EmailChannelA channel for email conversations.
To fetch your active mailboxes, you can issue this query:
To fetch inactive mailboxes:
To fetch accessible folders (paginated) for each of your mailboxes:
To fetch conversations in this mailbox, use the QueryRoot
field with a filter
argument e.g.:
A channel is a source of incoming conversations. It dictates how messages in those conversations are sent and received.
For example, an EmailChannel
is a channel where messages are sent as
email. To fetch all of them:
By default channels are sorted by their user-defined row-order, called their position. To sort by name instead:
To find which agents have permission to view this channel: