ActionInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
id (ID ) | The existing action id. |
type (RuleActionType! ) | The type of the action. |
value (String ) | The value associated with the action. |
toAgent (String ) | The agent the action is directed to. |
replyTemplate (RuleReplyTemplateInput ) | The agent the action is directed to. |
AgentFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
state (AgentState ) | Filters agents by state. |
channelId (ID ) | Filters agents by who has access to the channel. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkDelete
FieldsName | Description |
ids ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the Agent Notification Preference Setting. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkUpsertInputAutogenerated input type of AgentNotificationPreferenceBulkUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
notificationPreferences ([AgentNotificationPreferenceInput!]! ) | The Agent Notification Preferences. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
AgentNotificationPreferenceInputNo description
AgentOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (AgentOrderField ) | The field to order agents by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort agents in. |
AgentPreferenceDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of AgentPreferenceDelete
FieldsName | Description |
key (String! ) | The keys of the agent preferences. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
AgentPreferenceUpsertInputAutogenerated input type of AgentPreferenceUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
key (String! ) | The keys of the agent preferences. |
namespace (String ) | The agent preferences namespace. |
value (JSON! ) | The agent preferences value. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
AgentPreferencesFilterInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
agentId (ID ) | Filter agent preferences by the ID of an agent. |
namespace (String ) | Filters agent preferences by namespace. |
keys ([String!] ) | Filters agent preferences by key. |
AgentResetLoginAttemptsInputAutogenerated input type of AgentResetLoginAttempts
FieldsName | Description |
agentId (ID ) | The agent to reset login attempts for. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
AgentResetPasswordInputAutogenerated input type of AgentResetPassword
FieldsName | Description |
token (String! ) | The token to reset the password. |
recaptchaToken (String! ) | The reCAPTCHA token. |
password (String! ) | The new password. |
passwordConfirm (String! ) | The new password confirmation. |
authCode (String ) | The two factor authentication code. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
AgentSendAdminEmailNotificationInputAutogenerated input type of AgentSendAdminEmailNotification
FieldsName | Description |
notificationType (AdminEmailNotification! ) | The type of email notification to send. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ArticleFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
author (ID ) | Filters articles by the ID of an author. |
category (ID ) | Filters articles by the ID of a category. |
featured (Boolean ) | If true, filters by featured articles; if false, filters by articles that are not featured. |
ids ([ID!] ) | Filters articles by IDs. |
keywords (String ) | Searches for articles that match the keywords. |
knowledgeBase (ID ) | Filters articles by the ID of a Knowledge Base. |
state ([PublishState!] ) | Filters articles by status. |
tag (String ) | Searches for articles with the specified tag names (comma separated. |
ArticleOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (ArticleOrderField ) | The field to order articles by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort articles in. |
AssignedFilterFilters conversations by their assigned agent or team, or those that explicitly are not assigned.
For example, to find a conversation assigned to a specific agent and any team:
To find a conversation assigned to a specific agent and no team:
FieldsName | Description |
agent (ID ) | Filters conversations by the ID of the assigned agent. |
noAgent (Boolean ) | Filters by conversations that have no agent assigned. |
team (ID ) | Filters conversations by the ID of the assigned team. |
noTeam (Boolean ) | Filters by conversations that have no team assigned. |
any (Boolean ) | Filters by conversations that are assigned to any agent or team. |
AssignmentInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
agentId (ID ) | The ID of the agent to assign the conversation to. |
teamId (ID ) | The ID of the team to assign the conversation to. |
AsyncRpcInputAutogenerated input type of AsyncRpc
FieldsName | Description |
service (String! ) | The RPC service name. |
method (String! ) | The name of the rpc to call. |
params (JSON ) | JSON object of named function arguments. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
AttachmentsFilterInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | Filters attachments by the ID of a conversation. |
conversationType (AttachmentsConversationTypeEnum! ) | Filters attachments by a resource - the current conversation or all conversations. |
CancelDowngradeInputAutogenerated input type of CancelDowngrade
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CannedReplyFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
ids ([ID!] ) | Filters canned replies by IDs. |
keywords (String ) | Searches for canned replies that match the keywords. |
categoryIds ([ID!] ) | Filters canned replies by categories. |
CannedReplyOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (CannedReplyOrderField ) | The field to order canned replies by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort canned replies in. |
CardSetupIntentCreateInputAutogenerated input type of CardSetupIntentCreate
FieldsName | Description |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CardSetupIntentSucceedInputAutogenerated input type of CardSetupIntentSucceed
FieldsName | Description |
setupIntentId (ID! ) | The stripe setup intent id. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CategoryOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (CategoryOrderField ) | The field to order canned reply categories by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort canned reply categories in. |
ChannelDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of ChannelDelete
FieldsName | Description |
channelId (ID! ) | ID of the channel to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ChannelFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
state (ChannelState ) | Filters channel by status. |
scope (ChannelScope ) | Filters channels by scope. |
ChannelOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (ChannelOrderField ) | The field to order channels by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort channels in. |
CheckAccessByMatrixIdsInputAutogenerated input type of CheckAccessByMatrixIds
FieldsName | Description |
matrixRoomIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the Matrix rooms that need to be checked. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ClickCreateInputAutogenerated input type of ClickCreate
FieldsName | Description |
referralCode (String! ) | The referral code that belongs to affiliate. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CompanyAddContactsInputAutogenerated input type of CompanyAddContacts
FieldsName | Description |
companyId (ID! ) | The ID of the company to add the contacts to. |
contactIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the contacts to add. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CompanyCreateInputAutogenerated input type of CompanyCreate
FieldsName | Description |
customFields ([CustomFieldInput!] ) | The custom field values. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CompanyDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of CompanyDelete
FieldsName | Description |
companyId (ID! ) | The ID of the company to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CompanyFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
search (String ) | Searches for companies that contain the provided string. |
CompanyMergeInputAutogenerated input type of CompanyMerge
FieldsName | Description |
companyId (ID! ) | The ID of the source company. |
targetId (ID! ) | The ID of the target company. |
keepFieldIds ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the custom fields to keep from the source company (otherwise the target custom fields are used. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CompanyOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (CompanyOrderField ) | The field to order companies by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort companies in. |
CompanyRemoveContactsInputAutogenerated input type of CompanyRemoveContacts
FieldsName | Description |
companyId (ID! ) | The ID of the company to remove the the contacts from. |
contactIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the contacts to remove. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConditionInputInput type for a folder condition, which defines the logic for filtering conversations.
FieldsName | Description |
id (ID ) | The existing condition id. |
param (ConditionParam! ) | The conversation field to filter by, for example. |
operator (ConditionOperator! ) | The logic operator to use, for example. |
value (String ) | The value to match against, for example. |
sourceId (ID ) | The id of the source that should be linked to this condition. Only require when the param is CUSTOM_FIELD. Note the only source types currently supported is [Crm::CustomField. |
ConditionOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (ConditionOrderField ) | The field to order conditions by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort conditions in. |
ContactCreateInputAutogenerated input type of ContactCreate
FieldsName | Description |
contactType (ContactType! ) | The contact type. |
customFields ([CustomFieldInput!] ) | The custom field values. |
companyId (ID ) | The company that contact belongs to. |
skipCompanyCreation (Boolean ) | When no matching company is found, skip auto creation. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ContactCustomFieldsFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
key (String! ) | The custom field key. |
values ([String!]! ) | The custom field values. |
ContactDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of ContactDelete
FieldsName | Description |
contactId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ContactFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
search (String ) | Searches for contacts that contain the provided string. |
email (String ) | Searches for contacts whose email contain the provided string. |
customFields ([ContactCustomFieldsFilter!] ) | Filters contacts by custom fields. |
ContactMergeInputAutogenerated input type of ContactMerge
FieldsName | Description |
sourceId (ID! ) | The ID of the source contact. |
targetId (ID! ) | The ID of the target contact. |
keepFieldIds ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the custom fields to keep from the source contact (otherwise the target custom fields are used. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ContactOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (ContactOrderField ) | The field to order contacts by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort contacts in. |
ContactResyncInputAutogenerated input type of ContactResync
FieldsName | Description |
contactId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact to update. |
integrationId (ID! ) | The ID of the integration that you want to resync data for. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ContactUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of ContactUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
contactId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact to update. |
contactType (ContactType! ) | The contact type. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversationAddNoteInputAutogenerated input type of conversationAddNote
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank and conversation state is SNOOZED, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
agentId (ID ) | The agent to assign the conversation to. |
teamId (ID ) | The team to assign the conversation to. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation. |
body (String ) | The body of the note. |
draftId (String ) | The ID of the draft used for this note. The draft will be deleted once the note is created. |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentInput!] ) | Attachments for the note. |
state (ConversationState ) | The new state to set for the conversation. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications for this note. |
authorId (ID ) | The agent that creates the message. |
createdAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the note was created. |
updatedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the note was updated. |
authorReassign (Boolean ) | Whether to assign author of the note to the ticket. Defaults to false. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationAssignInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationAssign
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to assign. |
agentId (ID ) | The agent to assign the conversation to. |
teamId (ID ) | The team to assign the conversation to. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications to agents. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationBulkDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationBulkDelete
FieldsName | Description |
conversationIds ([ID!]! ) | The ID of the conversation to delete. |
deleteMode (DeleteMode ) | The mode with which to delete the conversations. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationChangeChannelInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationChangeChannel
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to move. |
channelId (ID! ) | The ID of the destination channel. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications to agents. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationChangeContactInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationChangeContact
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The conversation ID. |
contactId (ID! ) | The contact ID. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationCloseInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationClose
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to close. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationCountFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
states ([ConversationState!] ) | Filters by conversation state. |
ConversationCreateEmailInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationCreateEmail
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
assigned (AssignmentInput ) | The initially assigned agent or team. |
channelId (ID! ) | The ID of the channel the conversation will happen in. |
message (EmailMessageInput! ) | The first email message of the conversation. |
state (ConversationState ) | The initial state of the conversation. |
cannedReplyId (ID ) | The ID of the used canned reply. |
draftId (String ) | The ID of the draft used for this reply. The draft will be deleted once the reply is created. |
tagIds ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the tags. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications for the conversation. |
createdAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the ticket was created. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationDelete
FieldsName | Description |
conversationIds ([ID!]! ) | The ID of the conversations to delete. |
deleteMode (DeleteMode ) | The mode with which to delete the conversations. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversationDeleteNoteInputAutogenerated input type of conversationDeleteNote
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank and conversation state is SNOOZED, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
messageId (ID! ) | The ID of the message that should be deleted. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications to agents. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversationEditNoteInputAutogenerated input type of conversationEditNote
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank and conversation state is SNOOZED, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
messageId (ID! ) | The ID of the message that needs to be updated. |
body (String ) | The body of the note. |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentInput!] ) | Attachments for the note. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications for this note. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
assigned (AssignedFilter ) | Filters conversations by the assigned agent or team. |
channelId (ID ) | Filters conversations by the ID of a channel. |
contactId (ID ) | Filters conversations by the ID of the contact that sent it. |
contactEmail (String ) | Filters conversations by the email address of the contact that sent it. |
deleted (Boolean ) | If true, filters by conversations that are trashed; if false, filters by conversations that are not trashed. |
draftAuthor (ID ) | Filters conversations that have drafts by the specified author ID. |
draftType (DraftType ) | Filters conversations that have drafts by draft type. |
folderId (ID ) | Filters conversations by the ID of a folder. |
keywords (String ) | Searches for conversations that match the keywords. |
mentionedAgent (ID ) | Filters conversations that mention the specified agent ID. |
rating (RatingEnum ) | Searches for conversations with a matching latest rating. |
starred (Boolean ) | If true, filters by conversations that are starred; if false, filters by conversations that are unstarred. |
state (ConversationState ) | Filters conversations by status. |
states ([ConversationState!] ) | Filters conversations with any of the provided statuses. If state is also provided, this will be ignored. |
tag (ID ) | Filters conversations by the ID of a tag. |
tagName (String ) | Searches for conversations with the specified tag names. |
type ([ConversationType!] ) | Filters conversations by type. |
beforeCreatedAt (DateTime ) | Return conversations created on or before the specified date. |
afterCreatedAt (DateTime ) | Return conversations created on or after the specified date. |
beforeUpdatedAt (DateTime ) | Return conversations updated on or before the specified date. |
afterUpdatedAt (DateTime ) | Return conversations updated on or after the specified date. |
customFields ([CustomFieldSearchInput!] ) | Filter conversations with the matching custom field values. |
ConversationFollowInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationFollow
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to follow. |
followerIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the agents to add as followers. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationForwardInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationForward
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank and conversation state is SNOOZED, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
agentId (ID ) | The agent to assign the conversation to. |
teamId (ID ) | The team to assign the conversation to. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to forward. |
body (String ) | The body of the forward. |
to (Email! ) | The message recipient. |
cc ([Email!] ) | The recipients to cc. |
bcc ([Email!] ) | The recipients to bcc. |
subject (String ) | The subject of the message. |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentInput!] ) | Attachments for the message. |
cannedReplyId (ID ) | The ID of the used canned reply. |
draftId (String ) | The ID of the draft used for this forward. The draft will be deleted once the forward is created. |
state (ConversationState ) | The new state to set for the conversation. |
channelId (ID ) | The ID of the channel the conversation will come from. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | If notifications should be skipped. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationForwardV2InputAutogenerated input type of ConversationForwardV2
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank and conversation state is SNOOZED, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
agentId (ID ) | The agent to assign the conversation to. |
teamId (ID ) | The team to assign the conversation to. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to forward. |
body (String ) | The body of the forward. |
to ([Email!]! ) | The message recipient. |
cc ([Email!] ) | The recipients to cc. |
bcc ([Email!] ) | The recipients to bcc. |
subject (String ) | The subject of the message. |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentInput!] ) | Attachments for the message. |
cannedReplyId (ID ) | The ID of the used canned reply. |
draftId (String ) | The ID of the draft used for this forward. The draft will be deleted once the forward is created. |
state (ConversationState ) | The new state to set for the conversation. |
tagIdsToAdd ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the tags to add. |
tagIdsToRemove ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the tags to remove. |
removeAllTags (Boolean ) | If all tags should be removed. |
channelId (ID ) | The ID of the channel the conversation will come from. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | If notifications should be skipped. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversationLinkResourceInputAutogenerated input type of conversationLinkResource
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the converstion that has the send to undo. |
externalId (String! ) | The ID of the external resource. |
provider (IntegrationProvider! ) | Filter by provider. |
removed (Boolean ) | Was the resource linked or unlinked. |
title (String! ) | The title of the integration. |
url (String! ) | The external integration URL. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationLogInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationLog
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
contactId (ID ) | The contact that ticket should be attached to. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications for the conversation. |
assigned (AssignmentInput ) | The initially assigned agent or team. |
channelId (ID! ) | The ID of the channel the conversation will happen in. |
message (NoteMessageInput! ) | The note starting the conversation. |
state (ConversationState ) | The initial state of the conversation. |
cannedReplyId (ID ) | The ID of the used canned reply. |
draftId (String ) | The ID of the draft used for this reply. The draft will be deleted once the reply is created. |
createdAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the ticket was created. |
authorId (ID ) | The creator of the note and conversation. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationMergeInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationMerge
FieldsName | Description |
sourceId (ID! ) | The ID of the source conversation. |
targetId (ID! ) | The ID of the target conversation. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationMoveMessageInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationMoveMessage
FieldsName | Description |
messageId (ID! ) | The ID of the message to move. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationOpenInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationOpen
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to open. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (ConversationOrderField ) | The field to order conversations by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort conversations in. |
ConversationReplyInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationReply
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
agentId (ID ) | The agent to assign the conversation to. |
teamId (ID ) | The team to assign the conversation to. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to reply to. |
body (String ) | The body of the reply. |
to (Email! ) | The message recipient. |
cc ([Email!] ) | The recipients to cc. |
bcc ([Email!] ) | The recipients to bcc. |
subject (String ) | The subject of the message. |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentInput!] ) | Attachments for the message. |
draftId (String ) | The ID of the draft used for this reply. The draft will be deleted once the reply is created. |
cannedReplyId (ID ) | The ID of the used canned reply. |
state (ConversationState ) | The new state to set for the conversation. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | If notifications should be skipped. |
createdAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the message was created. |
updatedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the message was updated. |
tagIdsToAdd ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the tags to add. |
tagIdsToRemove ([ID!] ) | The IDs of the tags to remove. |
removeAllTags (Boolean ) | If all tags should be removed. |
authorId (ID ) | The agent or contact that sends the message. |
contactId (ID ) | The contact that message should be attached to. |
channelId (ID ) | The ID of the channel the conversation will come from. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversationRestoreInputAutogenerated input type of conversationRestore
FieldsName | Description |
conversationIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the conversations to restore. |
newState (ConversationRestoreState! ) | The state to restore the conversation to. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationSnoozeInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationSnooze
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to snooze. |
until (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationSpamInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationSpam
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to mark as spam. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationStarInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationStar
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to star. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationSubjectInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationSubject
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to open. |
subject (String! ) | The subject of the conversation. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationTagInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationTag
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to tag. |
tagIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the tags to add. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversationToggleNoteReactionInputAutogenerated input type of conversationToggleNoteReaction
FieldsName | Description |
snoozeUntil (DateTime ) | The date and time until which the conversation is snoozed. If blank and conversation state is SNOOZED, it is snoozed indefinitely. |
messageId (ID! ) | The ID of the message to toggle the reaction on. |
reaction (String! ) | The reaction to toggle. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip notifications to agents. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationTrashInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationTrash
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to trash. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationUnassignInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationUnassign
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to snooze. |
agent (Boolean ) | True to unassign the currently assigned agent; false or blank otherwise. |
team (Boolean ) | True to unassign the currently assigned team; false or blank otherwise. |
skipNotifications (Boolean ) | Whether to skip agent notifications. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
conversationUndoSendInputAutogenerated input type of conversationUndoSend
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the converstion that has the send to undo. |
changesetId (ID! ) | The changeset id returned by send endpoint that needs to be cancelled. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationUnfollowInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationUnfollow
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to unfollow. |
followerIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the agents to remove as followers. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationUnreadInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationUnread
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to unread. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationUnstarInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationUnstar
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to unstar. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ConversationUntagInputAutogenerated input type of ConversationUntag
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to tag. |
tagIds ([ID!]! ) | The IDs of the tags to add. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldCategoryCreateInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldCategoryCreate
FieldsName | Description |
type (CustomFieldCategoryType! ) | The custom field category type. |
key (String! ) | An inmutable identifier for the custom field category. |
name (String! ) | The custom field category name. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldCategoryDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldCategoryDelete
FieldsName | Description |
categoryId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field category to delete. |
newCategoryId (ID ) | The ID of the custom field category to move the fields to. If blank then fields are soft deleted. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldCategoryFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
categoryType (CustomFieldCategoryType ) | Filters custom field categories by category type. |
CustomFieldCategoryUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldCategoryUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
categoryId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field category to update. |
name (String ) | The custom field category name. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldCreateInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldCreate
FieldsName | Description |
key (String! ) | An immutable identifier for the custom field. |
name (String! ) | The name of the custom field. |
icon (CustomFieldIcon ) | The icon for the custom field. |
description (String ) | A description of the custom field. |
type (CustomFieldType! ) | The custom field type. |
placeholder (String ) | The text to show in the input field when the custom field is empty. |
options ([CustomFieldOptionInput!] ) | The available options for the custom field if the type is. |
isArray (Boolean! ) | Whether or not to allow multiple values per contact/company for this field. |
required (Boolean ) | True if the custom field needs to be filled in the UI; false otherwise. |
categoryId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field category. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldDelete
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field to delete. |
deleteMode (DeleteMode ) | Soft-delete (move to trash) or hard-delete (permanent. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
categoryIds ([ID!] ) | Filters custom fields by category. |
deleted (Boolean ) | If true, filters by custom fields that are trashed; if false, filters by custom fields that are not trashed. |
CustomFieldInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldIdOrKey (String! ) | The ID or key of the custom field. |
value (JSON ) | The new value of the custom field. |
position (Int ) | The order of the values for custom fields with array values. |
CustomFieldLinkInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
key (String! ) | An immutable identifier for the custom field. |
name (String! ) | The name of the custom field. |
icon (CustomFieldIcon ) | The icon for the custom field. |
description (String ) | A description of the custom field. |
type (CustomFieldType! ) | The custom field type. |
placeholder (String ) | The text to show in the input field when the custom field is empty. |
options ([CustomFieldOptionInput!] ) | The available options for the custom field if the type is. |
isArray (Boolean! ) | Whether or not to allow multiple values per contact/company for this field. |
required (Boolean ) | True if the custom field needs to be filled in the UI; false otherwise. |
scope (CustomFieldLinkScope! ) | The scope applied to the custom field. |
CustomFieldListInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldIdOrKey (String! ) | The ID or key of the custom field. |
value (JSON ) | The new value of the custom field. |
position (Int ) | For array values this specifies the order. |
mode (customFieldValueUpdateMode ) | For array values this specifies whether to append or replace. |
remove (Boolean ) | True to remove the custom field from the contact or company; false or blank otherwise. |
CustomFieldOptionDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldOptionDelete
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldOptionId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field option. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldOptionInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
label (String! ) | The label of the custom field option. |
value (String! ) | The value of the custom field option. |
CustomFieldRemoveInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldRemove
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field to remove. |
itemId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact or company to remove the custom field from. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
customFieldRestoreInputAutogenerated input type of customFieldRestore
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field to restore. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldSearchInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field to filter by. |
values ([String!] ) | An array of custom field values to filter results by. |
CustomFieldUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field to update. |
categoryId (ID! ) | The ID of the custom field category. |
name (String! ) | The name of the custom field. |
icon (CustomFieldIcon ) | The icon for the custom field. |
description (String ) | A description of the custom field. |
type (CustomFieldType! ) | The custom field type. |
placeholder (String ) | The text to show in the input field when the custom field is empty. |
options ([CustomFieldOptionInput!] ) | The available options for the custom field if the type is. |
handleType (String ) | The handle type. |
required (Boolean ) | True if the custom field needs to be filled in the UI; false otherwise. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldValuesBulkUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldValuesBulkUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
items ([SubjectWithCustomFieldsInput!]! ) | A batch of contacts or companies with the custom fields to create, update, or delete. |
sync (Boolean ) | Wait until request has completed before returning. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomFieldValuesFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
categoryIds ([ID!] ) | Filters custom fields by category. |
keys ([String!] ) | Filters custom field by key. |
customFieldIds ([ID!] ) | Filters custom field by ID. |
deleted (Boolean ) | If true, filters by custom fields that are trashed; if false, filters by custom fields that are not trashed. |
CustomFieldValuesUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of CustomFieldValuesUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
customFieldList ([CustomFieldListInput!] ) | The custom fields to create, update, or remove. |
subjectId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact, company or conversation to create, update, or remove the custom field on. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomerRatingSettingDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of CustomerRatingSettingDelete
FieldsName | Description |
settingId (ID ) | The ID of the customer rating setting. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
CustomerRatingSettingUpsertInputAutogenerated input type of CustomerRatingSettingUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
settingId (ID ) | The ID of the customer rating setting. |
locale (String! ) | The locale of the customer rating setting. |
mailboxIds ([String!] ) | Selected mailboxes that rating should be scoped to. |
name (String! ) | The name of the customer rating setting. |
translations (JSON ) | The translations of the customer rating setting. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
DeleteRoomInputAutogenerated input type of DeleteRoom
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
DisconnectMutationInputAutogenerated input type of DisconnectMutation
FieldsName | Description |
channelId (ID! ) | The ID of the channel to disconnect. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
DraftDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of DraftDelete
FieldsName | Description |
draftId (String! ) | The ID of the draft to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
DraftFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
id (ID ) | Filters chat rooms by the ID of a draft. |
draftId (String ) | The UUID used to identify the draft. |
conversationId (ID ) | The conversation this draft belongs to. |
draftType (DraftType ) | The type of the draft. |
DraftOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (DraftOrderField ) | The field to order drafts by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort drafts by. |
DraftSaveInputAutogenerated input type of DraftSave
FieldsName | Description |
draftId (ID! ) | The ID of the draft to save. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the associated conversation. |
contextId (ID ) | The ID of the context within the conversation. |
version (Int! ) | The version of the draft. |
payload (String! ) | The payload of the draft as a schemaless string. |
draftType (String! ) | The type of the draft. |
synchronous (Boolean ) | True if the change should be applied synchronously; false otherwise. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
DraftUpsertInputAutogenerated input type of DraftUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
draftId (String! ) | A UUID to identify the draft. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation. |
contextId (ID ) | The ID of the context within the conversation. |
version (Int! ) | The version of the draft. |
payload (JSON! ) | The payload of the draft, which is a schemaless JSON object. |
metadata (JSON ) | Metadata related to the draft. |
draftType (DraftType! ) | The type of the draft. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
EmailAttachmentInputNo description
EmailChannelCreateInputAutogenerated input type of EmailChannelCreate
FieldsName | Description |
type (ChannelType! ) | The type of the email channel. |
email (String ) | The email address associated with the channel. |
name (String! ) | The name of the email channel. |
senderName (String ) | Customers see this name in the From field when they view conversations sent from this channel. |
color (String! ) | The color of the email channel. |
permittedAgentIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted agent IDs. |
permittedTeamIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted team IDs. |
incomingEmailServer (ImapServerInput ) | Incoming email server configuration. |
outgoingEmailServer (SmtpServerInput ) | Outgoing email server configuration. |
signature (String ) | Email signature for the channel. |
position (Int ) | Position of the channel in the display order. |
emailTemplates ([EmailTemplateInput!] ) | Email templates for the channel. |
aiDraftsChannelIds ([ID!] ) | List of mailbox IDs for AI-generated drafts. |
aiDraftsKnowledgeBaseIds ([ID!] ) | List of knowledge base IDs for AI-generated drafts. |
autoBccAddress (String ) | Auto BCC email address. |
useAgentName (Boolean ) | Whether to use the agent's name in customer replies. |
threadingType (ThreadingType ) | Threading type for conversations. |
customFields ([CustomFieldLinkInput!] ) | Custom fields associated with the channel. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
EmailChannelUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of EmailChannelUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
type (ChannelType! ) | The type of the email channel. |
email (String ) | The email address associated with the channel. |
name (String! ) | The name of the email channel. |
senderName (String ) | Customers see this name in the From field when they view conversations sent from this channel. |
color (String! ) | The color of the email channel. |
permittedAgentIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted agent IDs. |
permittedTeamIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted team IDs. |
incomingEmailServer (ImapServerInput ) | Incoming email server configuration. |
outgoingEmailServer (SmtpServerInput ) | Outgoing email server configuration. |
signature (String ) | Email signature for the channel. |
position (Int ) | Position of the channel in the display order. |
emailTemplates ([EmailTemplateInput!] ) | Email templates for the channel. |
aiDraftsChannelIds ([ID!] ) | List of mailbox IDs for AI-generated drafts. |
aiDraftsKnowledgeBaseIds ([ID!] ) | List of knowledge base IDs for AI-generated drafts. |
autoBccAddress (String ) | Auto BCC email address. |
useAgentName (Boolean ) | Whether to use the agent's name in customer replies. |
threadingType (ThreadingType ) | Threading type for conversations. |
customFields ([CustomFieldLinkInput!] ) | Custom fields associated with the channel. |
channelId (ID! ) | The ID of the email channel to update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
EmailMarketingSubscriptionCreateInputAutogenerated input type of EmailMarketingSubscriptionCreate
FieldsName | Description |
integrationId (ID! ) | The email marketing integration ID. |
listId (String! ) | The email marketing integration list ID. |
contactId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact to subscribe. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
EmailMarketingSubscriptionDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of EmailMarketingSubscriptionDelete
FieldsName | Description |
integrationId (ID! ) | The ID of the email marketing integration. |
listId (String! ) | The ID of the email marketing list. |
contactId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact to unsubscribe. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
EmailMessageInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
subject (String! ) | The subject of the email. |
body (String! ) | The body of the email. |
createdAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the message was created. |
updatedAt (DateTime ) | The date and time that the message was updated. |
to ([EmailRecipientInput!]! ) | The "To" recipients of the email. |
cc ([EmailRecipientInput!] ) | The "Cc" recipients of the email. |
bcc ([EmailRecipientInput!] ) | The "Bcc" recipients of the email. |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentInput!] ) | Attachments for the message. |
authorId (ID ) | The agent or contact that creates the message. |
EmailRecipientInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
name (String! ) | The name of the email recipient. |
email (String! ) | The email address of the email recipient. |
EmailTemplateInputInput object for email template details.
FieldsName | Description |
body (String! ) | The body content of the email template. |
state (EmailTemplateState! ) | The current state of the email template (enabled or disabled. |
subject (String! ) | The subject line of the email template. |
trigger (EmailTemplateTrigger ) | The event that triggers the use of this email template. |
EventGroupsFilterInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID ) | Filters events by the ID of a conversation. |
conversationIds ([ID!] ) | Filters events by the IDS of a conversations. |
changesetId (String ) | Filters events by changeset ID. |
EventsFilterInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | Filters events by the ID of a conversation. |
eventGroupId (ID ) | Filters events by the ID of an event group. |
changesetId (String ) | Filters events by changeset ID. |
eventType ([EventType!] ) | Filters events by type. |
EventsShopifyCreateInputAutogenerated input type of EventsShopifyCreate
FieldsName | Description |
agentId (ID ) | The ID of the agent who made the change. If null then the current agent. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation the event is linked to. |
changeType (ShopifyChangeType! ) | The type of change. |
externalId (String! ) | The ID of the item on Shopify. |
meta (JSON ) | Additional event metadata. |
shopDomain (String! ) | The shopify shop domain. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ExcludedDomainCreateInputAutogenerated input type of ExcludedDomainCreate
FieldsName | Description |
domain (String! ) | The domain to exclude. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ExcludedDomainDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of ExcludedDomainDelete
FieldsName | Description |
excludedDomainId (ID! ) | The ID of the excluded domain to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ExcludedDomainUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of ExcludedDomainUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
excludedDomainId (ID! ) | The ID of the excluded domain to update. |
domain (String! ) | The domain to exclude. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ExportFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
ids ([ID!] ) | Filters exports by specific ids. |
ExportOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (ExportOrderField ) | The field to order exports by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort exports in. |
FeatureTemplateRuleScheduleSettingsInputInput type for the schedule settings configuration for a rule.
FolderCreateInputAutogenerated input type of FolderCreate
FieldsName | Description |
name (String! ) | The name of the folder. |
description (String ) | A description of the folder. |
matchType (FolderMatchTypes! ) | The match type of the folder conditions. |
state (FolderState! ) | The state of the folder (active or inactive. |
position (Int ) | The position of the folder in the list. |
displayCountWhenInactive (Boolean ) | True if counts in the side navigation are visible when the folder is inactive; false otherwise. |
hideIfZeroConversations (Boolean ) | True if the folder is hidden in the side navigation when there are zero conversations. |
permittedAgentIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted agent IDs. |
permittedTeamIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted team IDs. |
channelIds ([ID!] ) | The channels this folder should be visible on. Defaults to all when empty. |
conditions ([ConditionInput!] ) | Conditions to filter conversations for this folder. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
FolderDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of FolderDelete
FieldsName | Description |
folderId (ID! ) | The ID of the folder. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
FolderFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
ids ([ID!] ) | Filters folders by IDs. |
state (FolderState ) | Filters folders by state. |
channelIds ([ID!] ) | Filters folders by the ID of a channel. |
type (FolderType ) | Filters folders by type. |
scope (FolderScope ) | Filters folders by scope. |
FolderOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (FolderOrderField ) | The field to order folders by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort folders in. |
FolderUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of FolderUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
folderId (ID! ) | The ID of the folder. |
name (String! ) | The name of the folder. |
description (String ) | A description of the folder. |
matchType (FolderMatchTypes! ) | The match type of the folder conditions. |
state (FolderState! ) | The state of the folder (active or inactive. |
position (Int ) | The position of the folder in the list. |
displayCountWhenInactive (Boolean ) | True if counts in the side navigation are visible when the folder is inactive; false otherwise. |
hideIfZeroConversations (Boolean ) | True if the folder is hidden in the side navigation when there are zero conversations. |
permittedAgentIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted agent IDs. |
permittedTeamIds ([ID!] ) | List of permitted team IDs. |
channelIds ([ID!] ) | The channels this folder should be visible on. Defaults to all when empty. |
conditions ([ConditionInput!] ) | Conditions to filter conversations for this folder. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ImapServerInputInput object for IMAP server details.
FieldsName | Description |
encryption (EncryptionType ) | The encryption type (SSL, TLS, etc. |
host (String! ) | The server hostname or IP address. |
id (ID ) | The server hostname or IP address. |
password (String ) | The password for authentication. |
port (Int! ) | The port number the server listens on. |
username (String! ) | The username for authentication. |
verified (Boolean ) | Has the connection been verified. |
Import2CreateInputAutogenerated input type of Import2Create
FieldsName | Description |
tool (String! ) | The name of the tool to source from. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
ImportMutationInputAutogenerated input type of ImportMutation
FieldsName | Description |
channelId (ID! ) | The ID of the channel to import messages for. |
startAt (ISO8601DateTime! ) | The date and time to start importing messages from. |
endAt (ISO8601DateTime! ) | The date and time to stop importing messages at. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
IntegrationDeleteByProviderInputAutogenerated input type of IntegrationDeleteByProvider
FieldsName | Description |
provider (IntegrationProvider! ) | The provider to delete integrations for. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
IntegrationDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of IntegrationDelete
FieldsName | Description |
integrationId (ID! ) | The ID of the integration to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
IntegrationJiraServerCreateInputAutogenerated input type of IntegrationJiraServerCreate
FieldsName | Description |
url (String! ) | The Jira Server URL. |
username (String! ) | The username. |
password (String ) | The password. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
IntegrationProviderSettingsUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of IntegrationProviderSettingsUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
provider (IntegrationProvider! ) | The provider to update settings for. |
settings (JSON! ) | The new settings. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
IntegrationSettingsUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of IntegrationSettingsUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
integrationId (ID! ) | The integration to update settings for. |
settings (JSON! ) | The new settings. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
IntegrationsFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
provider (IntegrationProvider ) | Filter by provider. |
KbArticleDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of KbArticleDelete
FieldsName | Description |
articleId (ID! ) | The ID of the KB article. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
KbSlugAvailabilityInputAutogenerated input type of KbSlugAvailability
FieldsName | Description |
value (ID! ) | The slug to check the availability for. |
knowledgeBaseId (ID! ) | The ID of the KB. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
KbSubdomainAvailabilityInputAutogenerated input type of KbSubdomainAvailability
FieldsName | Description |
value (ID! ) | The subdomain to check the availability for. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
LinkedResourcesFilterInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID ) | The ID of the converstion to load the linked resources for. |
conversationIds ([ID!] ) | Filters linked resources by the IDS of a conversations. |
LoginInputAutogenerated input type of Login
FieldsName | Description |
subdomain (String! ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
MobileNotificationPreferencesUpsertInputAutogenerated input type of MobileNotificationPreferencesUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
conversationCreated (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a conversation is created. |
conversationAssignedToMe (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a conversation is assigned to me. |
conversationAssignedToMyTeam (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a conversation is assigned to my team. |
conversationAssignedToOtherAgent (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a conversation is assigned to any other agent. |
agentRepliesToMyConversation (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when an agent replies to my conversation. |
agentRepliesToConversationAssignedToMyTeam (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when an agent replies to a conversation assigned to my team. |
agentRepliesToConversationAssignedToOtherAgent (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when an agent replies to a conversation assigned to another agent. |
agentRepliesToUnassignedConversation (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when an agent replies to an unassigned conversation. |
agentMention (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when an agent mentions me. |
customerRepliesToMyConversation (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a customer replies to my conversation. |
customerRepliesToConversationAssignedToMyTeam (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a customer replies to a conversation assigned to my team. |
customerRatesConversationAssignedToMe (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a customer rates a conversation assigned to me. |
customerRatesConversationAssignedToMyTeam (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a customer rates a conversation assigned to my team. |
customerRatesConversationAssignedToOtherAgent (Boolean ) | If true then send a notification when a customer rates a conversation assigned to another agent. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
NoteMessageInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
subject (String! ) | The subject of the email. |
body (String! ) | The body of the email. |
to (EmailRecipientInput ) | The contact email address. |
phone (String ) | The contact phone number. |
attachments ([EmailAttachmentInput!] ) | Attachments for the message. |
PinnedSearchFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
agentId (ID ) | The agent to load pinned searches for. |
PinnedSearchOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (PinnedSearchOrderField ) | The field to order pinned searches by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort pinned searches in. |
PushTokenClearNotificationCountInputAutogenerated input type of PushTokenClearNotificationCount
FieldsName | Description |
pushTokenId (ID! ) | The ID of the push token to clear notifications for. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
PushTokenCreateInputAutogenerated input type of PushTokenCreate
FieldsName | Description |
token (String! ) | The token. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
PushTokenDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of PushTokenDelete
FieldsName | Description |
pushTokenId (ID! ) | The ID of the push token to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
RoomFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
channelId (ID ) | Filters chat rooms by the ID of a channel. |
folderId (ID ) | Filters chat rooms by the ID of a folder. |
contactId (ID ) | The ID of contact to filter the chat rooms by. |
channelType (RoomChannelTypeEnum ) | The channel type that the request needs to be filtered by. |
RoomOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (RoomOrderField ) | The field to order chat rooms by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort chat rooms in. |
RuleConditionInputInput type for a folder condition, which defines the logic for filtering conversations.
FieldsName | Description |
id (ID ) | The existing condition id. |
param (RuleConditionParam! ) | The conversation field to filter by, for example. |
operator (RuleConditionOperator! ) | The logic operator to use, for example. |
value (String ) | The value to match against, for example. |
sourceId (String ) | The id of the source that should be linked to this condition. Only require when the param is CUSTOM_FIELD. Note the only source types currently supported is [Crm::CustomField. |
RuleCreateInputAutogenerated input type of RuleCreate
FieldsName | Description |
name (String! ) | The name of the rule. |
description (String ) | A description of the rule. |
matchType (RuleMatchTypes! ) | The match type of the rule conditions. |
state (RuleState! ) | The state of the rule. |
position (Int ) | The position of the rule in the list. |
triggers ([TriggerInput!]! ) | Triggers for the rule. |
conditions ([RuleConditionInput!]! ) | Conditions to filter conversations for this rule. |
actions ([ActionInput!]! ) | Actions for the rule. |
scheduleType (ScheduleType! ) | The schedule of the rule. |
scheduleSettings (FeatureTemplateRuleScheduleSettingsInput ) | The schedule settings of the rule. |
stopUpcoming (Boolean! ) | True to stop upcoming rules; false otherwise. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
RuleDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of RuleDelete
FieldsName | Description |
ruleId (ID! ) | The ID of the rule. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
RuleFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
state (RuleState ) | Filters rules by state. |
RuleOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (RuleOrderField ) | The field to order rules by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort rules in. |
RuleReplyTemplateInputInput type for an email message template used by rules.
FieldsName | Description |
id (ID ) | The existing reply template id. |
body (String! ) | The body of the message in HTML. |
subject (String ) | The subject of the conversation. |
title (String ) | The name of the conversation. |
attachmentIds ([ID!] ) | IDs of attachments associated with this template. |
RuleUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of RuleUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
ruleId (ID! ) | The ID of the rule. |
name (String! ) | The name of the rule. |
description (String ) | A description of the rule. |
matchType (RuleMatchTypes! ) | The match type of the rule conditions. |
state (RuleState! ) | The state of the rule. |
position (Int ) | The position of the rule in the list. |
triggers ([TriggerInput!]! ) | Triggers for the rule. |
conditions ([RuleConditionInput!]! ) | Conditions to filter conversations for this rule. |
actions ([ActionInput!]! ) | Actions for the rule. |
scheduleType (ScheduleType ) | The schedule of the rule. |
scheduleSettings (FeatureTemplateRuleScheduleSettingsInput ) | The schedule settings of the rule. |
stopUpcoming (Boolean! ) | True to stop upcoming rules; false otherwise. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
SmtpServerInputInput object for SMTP server details.
FieldsName | Description |
authentication (String! ) | The authentication method (e.g., LOGIN, PLAIN. |
encryption (EncryptionType ) | The encryption type (SSL, TLS, etc. |
host (String! ) | The server hostname or IP address. |
id (ID ) | The server hostname or IP address. |
password (String ) | The password for authentication. |
port (Int! ) | The port number the server listens on. |
username (String! ) | The username for authentication. |
verified (Boolean ) | Has the connection been verified. |
StarredCannedReplyCreateInputAutogenerated input type of StarredCannedReplyCreate
FieldsName | Description |
cannedReplyId (ID! ) | The ID of the canned reply. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
StarredCannedReplyDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of StarredCannedReplyDelete
FieldsName | Description |
cannedReplyId (ID! ) | The ID of the canned reply. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
SubjectWithCustomFieldsInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
subjectId (ID! ) | The ID of the contact or company to be updated. |
customFieldList ([CustomFieldListInput!]! ) | The custom fields to create, update, or remove. |
SuggestionFilterInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
conversationId (ID! ) | Filters conversation suggestions by the ID of a conversation. |
SuggestionUpsertInputAutogenerated input type of SuggestionUpsert
FieldsName | Description |
suggestionType (AiConversationSuggestionType! ) | The type of the suggestion to create or update. |
conversationId (ID! ) | The ID of the conversation. |
suggestionId (ID ) | The ID of the suggestion to update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
SyncRpcInputAutogenerated input type of SyncRpc
FieldsName | Description |
service (String! ) | The RPC service name. |
method (String! ) | The name of the rpc to call. |
params (JSON ) | JSON object of named function arguments. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
TagBatchDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of TagBatchDelete
FieldsName | Description |
filter (TagFilter ) | The fields by which to filter the results. |
tagIds ([ID!] ) | The ID of the tags to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
TagCreateInputAutogenerated input type of TagCreate
FieldsName | Description |
color (String ) | The color of the tag. |
name (String! ) | The name of the tag. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
TagDeleteInputAutogenerated input type of TagDelete
FieldsName | Description |
tagId (ID! ) | The ID of the tag to delete. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
TagFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
ids ([ID!] ) | Filters tags by IDs. |
names ([String!] ) | Filter tags by exact names. |
search (String ) | Searches for tags that contain the provided string. |
conversationStates ([ConversationState!] ) | Filters tags by conversation state. |
state (TagState ) | Filters tags by state. |
channelId (ID ) | Filters tags by the channel they have been used in. |
lastUsedAfter (DateTime ) | Filters tags tags that was used after the specified date. |
TagMergeInputAutogenerated input type of TagMerge
FieldsName | Description |
parentTagId (ID! ) | The ID of the parent tag that the other tags will be merged into. |
filter (TagFilter ) | The fields by which to filter the child tag results. |
tagIds ([ID!] ) | The ID of the tags to merge into the parent tag. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
TagOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (TagOrderField ) | The field to order tags by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort tags in. |
TagUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of TagUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
color (String ) | The color of the tag. |
tagId (ID! ) | The ID of the tag to update. |
name (String ) | The name of the tag. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
TeamFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
channelId (ID ) | Filters teams by which ones have access to the channel. |
TeamOrderNo description
FieldsName | Description |
field (TeamOrderField ) | The field to order teams by. |
direction (OrderDirection ) | The direction to sort teams in. |
teamsCreateInputAutogenerated input type of teamsCreate
FieldsName | Description |
name (String! ) | The name of the team. |
description (String ) | The description of the team. |
agentIds ([ID!] ) | Agents you want assign to assign. GID format: ag_XXX. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
teamsDestroyInputAutogenerated input type of teamsDestroy
FieldsName | Description |
teamId (ID! ) | The id of the team. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
teamsUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of teamsUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
teamId (ID! ) | The id of the team. |
name (String ) | The name of the team. |
description (String ) | The description of the team. |
agentIds ([String!] ) | Agents you want assign to assign. GID format: ag_XXX. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
TriggerInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
id (ID ) | The existing trigger id. |
type (RuleTriggerType! ) | The type of the trigger. |
settings (JSON ) | Settings for the trigger. |
UpdatePresenceInputAutogenerated input type of UpdatePresence
FieldsName | Description |
presenceStatus (PresenceStatusType! ) | The presence that should be applied to the current user. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
UploadPayloadGenerateInputAutogenerated input type of UploadPayloadGenerate
FieldsName | Description |
fileName (String! ) | The name of the file to upload. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
WalletOptionsInputNo description
FieldsName | Description |
userOnly (Boolean ) | Filter wallets by user only. |
WalletTransactionCreateInputAutogenerated input type of WalletTransactionCreate
FieldsName | Description |
feature (String! ) | The feature for which transaction is made for. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
WalletUpdateInputAutogenerated input type of WalletUpdate
FieldsName | Description |
autorenew (Boolean ) | The autorenew status of the wallet. |
autorenewAmount (Int ) | The autorenew amount of the wallet. |
autorenewThreshold (Int ) | The autorenew threshold of the wallet. |
autorenewUses (Int ) | The autorenew uses of the wallet. |
walletId (ID! ) | The ID of the wallet to update. |
clientMutationId (String ) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
WidgetFilterNo description
FieldsName | Description |
channelType (WidgetChannelType ) | Filter by channel type. |