AccountStateThe possible account states.
AdminEmailNotificationThe possible types of admin email notifications.
Sends email that agent requested more credits.UPGRADE_ACCOUNT_REQUEST_FOR_AI_OVERVIEW
Sends email that agent request account upgrade.
AgentNotificationPreferenceNotificationNamespaceTypePossible notification preference namespace
AgentNotificationPreferenceNotificationTypePossible notification types
Email notification type.DESKTOP
Web browser desktop notification type.
AgentOrderFieldThe possible fields by which agents can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the agent was created.NAME
Orders by the agent name.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the agent was last updated.ASSIGNMENT_COUNT
Orders by the number of times you assigned them to a conversation.
AgentRoleThe possible agent roles.
The owner of the account.ADMIN
A user with administrative privileges.AGENT
A user with a login.
AgentStateThe possible states of an agent.
The agent has been invited but has not yet accepted.ACTIVE
The agent accepted the invitation and is not archived.ARCHIVED
The agent was archived.
AgentTwoFactorAuthStatusThe possible status of an agent's 2fa.
The agent has a locked 2fa.CONFIRMED
The agent has a confirmed 2fa.ENABLED
The agent has an enabled 2fa.DISABLED
The agent has a disabled 2fa.
AiConversationSuggestionTypeThe possible types of conversation's AI suggestion.
Tags suggestion.SENTIMENT
Sentiment priority.SUMMARY
Summary suggestion.
ArticleOrderFieldThe possible fields by which Knowledge Base articles can be ordered.
Orders by the average rating of the article.TITLE
Orders by the article title.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the article was last updated.
ArticleRatingTypesThe possible types of Knowledge Base article ratings.
Allows rating with a scale of 4 emojis.UPVOTE
Allows rating with a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
AttachmentScanReportStatusThe possible types of scan report status.
Nothing was found.WARNING
A warning was found in the database.PENDING
Scan is still in progress, fetch the scan again.
AttachmentTypeThe possible types of Attachments.
Simple attachment.API_ATTACHMENT
Incoming mail attachment.UPLOADED_ATTACHMENT
Uploaded attachment.
AttachmentsConversationTypeEnumNo description
All conversations.CURRENT
The current conversation.
AuthStateNo description
BodyPartTypeEnumNo description
Text part.QUOTED
Quoted text part.
CannedReplyOrderFieldThe possible fields by which canned replies can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the canned reply was created.NAME
Orders by the canned reply name.CATEGORY
Orders by the canned reply category name.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the canned reply was last updated.
CategoryOrderFieldThe possible fields by which canned reply categories can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the canned reply category was created.NAME
Orders by the canned reply category name.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the canned reply category was last updated.
ChannelOrderFieldThe possible fields by which channels can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the channel was created.NAME
Orders by the channel name.POSITION
Orders by the agent's preferred row order for the channel.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the channel was last updated.
ChannelRestrictionTypeThe possible channel restriction types, for resources linked to channels.
Accessible to all channels.SPECIFIC
Accessible to specified channels.
ChannelScopeThe permission scope applied to the list of channels
Shows channels that you have access to.
ChannelStateThe possible states of a channel.
The initial value.CONFIRMED
The channel has been confirmed by the owner.SYNCING
The mailbox is currently syncing the latest remote changes.ACTIVE
A message has been received on the channel.ERROR
The mailbox is unable to connect to the remote server.DISCONNECTED
The channel no longer receives messages.MIGRATING
The channel is being migrated.
ChannelTypeThe possible types of channels, representing various communication platforms.
A channel for forwarding emails or messages.GOOGLE
A channel for managing communication via Google services.FACEBOOK
A channel for communication through Facebook.TWITTER
A channel for communication through Twitter.OFFICE365
A channel for managing communication via Office 365 services.IMAP
A channel for handling email using IMAP.
CompanyOrderFieldThe possible fields to order companies by.
Orders by the number of contacts within the company.CONVERSATION_COUNT
Orders by the number of conversations within the company.CREATED_AT
Orders by the date that the company was created.DOMAIN
Orders by the company's primary domain.NAME
Orders by the company name.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the company was last updated.
ConditionOperatorThe possible operators for folder conditions.
The parameter appears in the list.DOES_NOT_CONTAIN
The parameter does not appear in the list.EQ
The parameter is equal to the value.GT
The parameter is greater than the value.GTEQ
The parameter is greater than or equal to the value.LT
The parameter is less than the value.LTEQ
The parameter is less than or equal to the value.NOT_EQ
The parameter is not equal to the value.
ConditionOrderFieldThe possible fields by which folder conditions can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the folder was created.PARAM
Orders by the parameter name.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the folder was last updated.
ConditionParamThe possible parameters for folder conditions.
ConditionSystemRepresents the different condition systems an object can support.
The object supports the folder system.RULE
The object supports the rule system.
ContactOrderFieldThe possible fields to order contacts by.
Orders by the date that the contact was created.COMPANY_NAME
Orders by the name of the contact's company.CONVERSATION_COUNT
Orders by the number of conversations of the contact.EMAIL
Orders by the contact's primary email.JOB_TITLE
Orders by the contact's job title.LAST_SEEN_AT
Orders by the date that the agent was last seen.NAME
Orders by the contact name.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the contact was last updated.
ContactRoleThe possible contact roles.
The contact is the main customer of the conversation.
ContactTypeThe possible types of contacts.
The contact is a lead.contact
The contact is a contact.
ConversationOrderFieldThe possible fields by which conversations can be ordered.
Orders by the state of the conversation.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date the conversation was last updated by a user.LAST_UNANSWERED_USER_MESSAGE_AT
Orders by the date of the last unanswered user message.DELETED_AT
Orders by the date the conversation was deleted.CREATED_AT
Orders by the date the conversation was first created.
ConversationReplyStateNo description
ConversationRestoreStateThe possible states of a conversation to be restored to.
The conversation is new or contains unread messages.OPENED
The conversation has been viewed by an agent.CLOSED
The conversation is closed.SPAM
The conversation is marked as spam.
ConversationStateThe possible states of a conversation.
The conversation is new or contains unread messages.OPENED
The conversation has been viewed by an agent.CLOSED
The conversation is closed.SNOOZED
The conversation is snoozed.SPAM
The conversation is marked as spam.TRASH
The conversation is in the trash.
ConversationTypeThe possible types of conversations.
A chat conversation.EMAIL
An email conversation.FACEBOOK
A Facebook conversation.TWITTER
A Twitter conversation.WIDGET
A Widget conversation.
CouponDurationThe possible coupon durations.
Applies to all charges from a subscription with this coupon applied.ONCE
Applies to the first charge from a subscription with this coupon applied.REPEATING
Applies to charges in the first duration_in_months months from a subscription with this coupon applied.
CreditCardFundingThe funding options for a credit card
CustomFieldCategoryTypeThe possible types of custom field categories.
The category is associated with a contact.COMPANY
The category is associated with a company.CHANNEL
The category is associated with a channel.
CustomFieldFileContentDispositionThe possible custom field file dispositions.
The file should be downloaded.
CustomFieldHandleTypeThe handle types available for custom fields.
CustomFieldIconThe icons available for custom fields.
At icon.AWARD
Award icon.BOOK
Book icon.BOOKS
Books icon.BUILDING
Building icon.CALENDAR
Calendar icon.CLOCK
Clock icon.COINS
Coins icon.COPY
Copy icon.DOLLAR
Dollar icon.DROPDOWN
Dropdown icon.EDIT
External link icon.FACEBOOK
Facebook icon.FILE_EDIT
File edit icon.FILE
File icon.GIFT
Gift icon.GLOBE
Graduation icon.HASHTAG
Hashtag icon.HOURGLASS
Hourglass icon.IMAGE
Institution icon.LANGUAGE
Language icon.LINE_CHART
Line chart icon.LINKEDIN
LinkedIn icon.LOCATION
Location icon.NETWORK
Network icon.NOTEBOOK
Notebook icon.PAGE
Paperclip icon.PEN
Pen icon.PEOPLE
People icon.PERSON
Person icon.PHONE
Phone icon.PIE_CHART
Pie chart icon.PRESENT
Present icon.RECEIPT
Receipt icon.STOPWATCH
Stopwatch icon.TWITTER
Twitter icon.WINDOW
Window icon.
CustomFieldLinkScopeDefines the scope in which a custom field is applicable, determining its availability across different channels.
The custom field is available across all channels.CHANNEL
The custom field is restricted to a specific channels.
CustomFieldTypeThe possible types of custom fields.
An address.BOOLEAN
A boolean.DATE
A list of textual items.FILE
The first session.IP_ADDRESS
The Latest session.LINK
Multiple lines of text.MONEY
A money object.NUMBER
A single line of text.SUM
A user agent.TIMEZONE
A time zone.MULTI_SELECT
A list of textual items which allows multiple selections.
customFieldValueUpdateModeThe possible modes by which to update custom field values.
DeleteModeThe possible modes of deleted conversations.
The conversation has been moved to trash.HARD
The conversation has been permanently deleted.
DiscountTypeThe possible discount types.
Discount being used on this account was applied to the subscription.ACCOUNT
Discount being used on this account was applied to the account.
DraftOrderFieldThe possible fields by which drafts can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the draft was created.VERSION
Orders by the draft version.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the draft was last updated.
DraftTypeNo description
A draft of a reply to a conversation.REPLY_ALL
A draft of a reply to all participants in a conversation.NOTE
A draft of a note on a conversation.
EmailMarketingIntegrationTypeNo description
EmailTemplateStateThe possible states of an EmailTemplate, determining its availability and usage within the system.
The email template is active and can be used for sending emails.
EmailTemplateTriggerThe events that can trigger the use of an email template.
Triggered when a new conversation is created, notifying the sender through this email template.
EncryptionTypeThe type of encryption used for the connection.
No encryption.SSL
Secure Socket Layer encryption.
EphemeralJobResultStateNo description
EventTypeThe possible types of events.
The agent assigned to the conversation changed.CHANNEL_CHANGED
The channel of the conversation changed.CONTACT_CHANGED
The conversation was assigned to a different contact.CONTACT_READ
The contact read a message.DELETED
The conversation was deleted.FOLLOWED_OR_UNFOLLOWED
A follower was added or removed from the conversation.INTEGRATION_ADDED
An integration was added to the conversation.INTEGRATION_REMOVED
An integration was removed from the conversation.INTEGRATION_EXTERNAL_CHANGE
A change occurred on a linked integration.MERGED
A conversation was merged into this conversation.MESSAGE_CREATED
A new message was created in the conversation.RATED
A contact rated a message in the conversation.SNOOZED
The conversation was snoozed.PRIORITY_CHANGED
The priority of the conversation changed.SHOPIFY_EXTERNAL_EVENT
An external event happened on Shopify.STATE_CHANGED
The state of the conversation changed.SUBJECT_CHANGED
The subject of the conversation changed.TAGGED
A tag was added to the conversation.UNTAGGED
A tag was removed from the conversation.TEAM_CHANGED
The team assigned to the conversation changed.UNDELETED
The conversation was undeleted.UNSNOOZED
The conversation was unsnoozed.
ExportOrderFieldThe possible fields by which exports can be ordered.
Orders by the ID of user who requested the export.STATE
Orders by the state of the export.CREATED_AT
Orders by the date that the export was created.COMPLETED_AT
Orders by the date that the export was completed.
ExportStateThe possible states of an export.
The export has been requested.QUEUED
The export is queued for processing.EXPORTING
The export is being processed.UPLOAdING
The export is being uploaded.COMPLETED
The export has been completed.CANCELLED
The export has been cancelled.FAILED
The export has failed.DELETED
The export has been deleted.
FolderMatchTypesThe possible types of folder condition matches.
Matches any condition.ALL
Matches all conditions.
FolderOrderFieldThe possible fields by which folders can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the folder was created.NAME
Orders by the folder name.POSITION
Orders by the preferred row order.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the folder was last updated.
FolderScopeThe types of resources this folder can be used for
Shows folders that you have access to.CURRENT_USER
Shows folders that you have access to.
FolderStateThe possible states of a folder.
The folder is enabled.INACTIVE
The folder is hidden.
FolderTypeThe types of resources this folder can be used for
Folders for tickets.CHAT
Folders for chats.ALL
Folders for chats and tickets.
IntegrationProviderThe possible integration providers.
Groove Chat integration.GITHUB
Github integration.GOOGLE
Google integration.HUBSPOT
Hubspot integration.JIRA_CLOUD
Jira Cloud integration.JIRA_SERVER
Jira Server integration.SALESFORCE
Salesforce integration.SHOPIFY_V2
Shopify V2 integration.STRIPE
Stripe integration.TRELLO
Trello integration.RECHARGE
Recharge integration.
KbRatingThe possible types of Knowledge Base article ratings.
Allows rating with a scale of 4 emojis.UPVOTE
Allows rating with a thumbs up or a thumbs down.
OperatorRepresents all available operators for various condition systems.
OrderDirectionThe possible directions in which to order results.
PinnedSearchOrderFieldThe possible fields by which pinned searches can be ordered.
Orders by the preferred row order.
PlanStateThe possible plan states.
PresenceStatusTypeThe possible types of Live Chat presence statuses.
PricingModelThe possible pricing models.
Pricing that bills a fixed amount regardless of quantity.
PricingTypeThe possible pricing types.
Pricing that only give access to kb features.INBOX
Pricing that gives access to any groove feature.ADDON
Pricing that can extend the available features on an account.
PricingUsageFromThe possible sources for determining quantity billed.
Quantity is determined by looking at the number of published knowledge bases.CHANNELS
Quantity is determined by looking at the number of channels added to the account.USERS
Quantity is determined by looking at the number of Owner,Admin and Agent users added to the account.VIEWER_USERS
Quantity is determined by looking at the number of Owner,Admin and Agent users added to the account.MAILBOXES
Quantity is determined by looking at the number mailboxes added to the account.
ProtocolTypeThe communication protocol used by the server.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol for sending emails.IMAP
Internet Message Access Protocol for retrieving emails.
PublishStateThe possible states of a Knowledge Base article.
The article is not yet published.WIP
The article is live but contains changes.PUBLISHED
The article is live.DELETED
The article is trashed.
RatingEnumThe possible types of Inbox message ratings.
Any rating.AWESOME
An awesome rating.OK
An OK rating.BAD
A bad rating.
RestrictionTypeThe possible restriction types, defining who has access to a resource or action.
Accessible to everyone, no restrictions.TEAMS
Restricted to members of specific teams.ME
Restricted to the current user only.AGENTS
Restricted to specified agents within the account.
RoomChannelTypeEnumThe types of rooms in the groove system
RoomKindTypeThe possible types of Live Chat room kinds.
RoomOrderFieldThe possible fields by which Live Chat rooms can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the chat room was last updated.LAST_USER_MESSAGE_AT
Orders by the date of the last user message.LAST_USER_OR_AGENT_MESSAGE_AT
Orders by the date of the last message from an agent or user.LAST_USER_OR_NOTE_MESSAGE_AT
Orders by the date of the last agent note or user message.LAST_USER_AGENT_OR_NOTE_MESSAGE_AT
Orders by the date of the last message from an agent or user or agent note.LAST_UNANSWERED_USER_MESSAGE_AT
Orders by the date of the last unanswered user message.EXPIRES_AT
Orders by the expiration date.
RoomStateTypeThe possible types of Live Chat room states.
RuleActionTypeThe possible action types for rules.
RuleConditionOperatorThe possible operators for rule conditions.
RuleConditionParamThe possible parameters for rule conditions.
RuleMatchTypesThe possible types of rule condition matches.
Matches any condition.ALL
Matches all conditions.
RuleOrderFieldThe possible fields by which rules can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the rule was created.NAME
Orders by the rule name.POSITION
Orders by the preferred row order.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the rule was last updated.
RuleStateThe possible states of a rule.
The rule is enabled.INACTIVE
The rule is hidden.
RuleTriggerTypeThe possible types for rule triggers.
ScheduleTypeThe possible schedule parameters for rules.
SetupIntentStatusThe possible status types for setup intents.
SetupIntent is created, it has a status of requires_payment_method1 until a payment method is attached.REQUIRES_CONFIRMATION
After the customer provides their payment information, the SetupIntent is ready to be confirmed.REQUIRES_ACTION
If the payment requires additional actions, such as authenticating with 3D Secure, the SetupIntent has a status of requires_action.PROCESSING
After required actions are handled, the SetupIntent moves to processing for asynchronous payment methods, such as bank debits.SUCCEEDED
A SetupIntent with a status of succeeded means that the payment flow it is driving is complete.
SetupIntentUsageThe possible usage types for setup intents.
The setup intent will be used during the current session like a shopping card checkout.OFF_SESSION
The setup intent will be used to setup a payment method which can be used with subscriptions.
ShopifyChangeTypeNo description
An order was canceled.ORDER_CREATED
An order was created.ORDER_DUPLICATED
An order was duplicated.ORDER_REFUNDED
An order was refunded.DRAFT_ORDER_INVOICE_SENT
An invoice was sent for a draft order.
TagOrderFieldThe possible fields by which tags can be ordered.
Orders by the tag color code.COUNT
Orders by the the number of times the tag is used.CONVERSATION_COUNT
Sorts tags by how many times they are used, based on the channel_id and conversation_states filters.CREATED_AT
Orders by the date that the tag was created.NAME
Orders by the tag name.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the tag was last updated.LAST_USED_AT
Orders by the last time the tag was used.CREATOR_ID
Orders by the creator id.
TagStateThe possible states of a tag.
Any tag, regardless of how many conversations it has been applied to.
TeamOrderFieldThe possible fields by which teams can be ordered.
Orders by the date that the team was created.NAME
Orders by the team name.SIZE
Orders by the number of agents in the team.UPDATED_AT
Orders by the date that the team was last updated.
ThreadingTypeThe possible threading types that define how messages are grouped or handled in a channel.
Threading based on legacy systems or methods.REGULAR
Standard message threading without special grouping logic.SUBJECT
Threading based on message subjects.NONE
No threading applied to messages.
WidgetChannelTypeNo description
A regular widget.SOCIAL
A social widget.
WidgetKindNo description
A facebook widget.INSTAGRAM
An instagram widget.
WidgetStatusNo description
The widget is connected.DISCONNECTED
The widget is disconnected.